Brian Leiter is Karl N. Llewellyn Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the Center for Law, Philosophy, & Human Values at the University of Chicago. He works on a variety of topics in moral, political, and legal philosophy. His current Nietzsche-related work concerns Nietzsche's theory of agency and its intersection with recent work in empirical psychology; Nietzsche's arguments for moral skepticism; and the role of naturalism in Nietzsche's philosophy.
Ha, that's hilarious. Many thanks for the link.
Say, any chance you'll ever be in Argentina for a philosophical conference some day?
We've never met but I much enjoyed your Routledge Nietzsche on Morality guidebook.
Best wishes from Buenos Aires,
Taos Turner
In the mid-90s, there was a band in Rochester, NY, called "The Pietzsche Nietzsches".
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