Sunday, January 27, 2008
Most Significant Nietzsche Articles in 2007?
So, as I noted on my philosophy blog, The Philosopher's Annual is coming back to life, and now I've been asked to serve as a Nominating Editor. I would be curious to hear from readers whether there were any Nietzsche articles that appeared in 2007 that they thought were really first-rate? I think there are some that might be in contention, but I may also have missed good pieces. Since I'd also like to make sure that excellent articles in post-Kantian Continental philosophy more generally are represented, please feel free to post recommendations there as well. All comments on this thread must be signed. Thanks.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Was Nietzsche Left-Handed?
Charles Huenemann, a philosopher at Utah State University, writes:
I'm wondering whether you could ask, on your Nietzsche blog, if anyone knows whether Nietzsche was left-handed (and what source their knowledge is based upon). I'm asking because I'm working on an article on his illness, and a neurologist I'm consulting thinks it's relevant.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Jenkins Reviews "Nietzsche and Morality"
Scott Jenkins, a philosopher at the University of Kansas, has written a generous review of the book of new essays edited by Neil Sinhababu and myself, Nietzsche and Morality. The review is also quite informative, offering nice capsule summaries of the arguments of each essay, as well as astute questions and criticisms. I plan to take up in subsequent work the question Professor Jenkins poses about my essay with Joshua Knobe. The puzzle, in a nutshell, is this. If, as Knobe and I argue, Nietzschean moral psychology presupposes a more credible psychology than other important philosophical theories (such as Aristotle's and Kant's), what explains this fact, given that Nietzsche's primary methods of psychological investigation--namely, introspection and non-systematic observation (both his own and that of other astute observers of human behavior, from Thucydides to La Rochefoucauld)--are not one that would be considered epistemically robust these days.?Did Nietzsche just get lucky? Or does his success tell us something important about knowledge and truth in the human sciences?